612-242-5122 | info@lingoforce.com

You deserve to be heard- Know your rights:

As a Deaf or non-English speaking patient in the United States its essential to know and understand your right to receive equal healthcare services, regardless of language. This right is protected by federal laws, such as the Civil Rights Act of 1964, https://www.archives.gov/milestone-documents/civil-rights-act, which prohibits discrimination based on national origin, and the Affordable Care Act, which includes provisions to promote language access in healthcare.
Under these laws, healthcare providers are required to provide language assistance services, such as interpreters or translated materials, to individuals with limited English proficiency (LEP). These services must be provided free of charge and promptly to ensure that LEP individuals have equal access to healthcare services.
This is a legal requirement and a professional and ethical standard that healthcare providers must follow to ensure that they provide culturally and linguistically appropriate care.

Ask your healthcare or business service provider about their application of LingoForce!

We make it easy to integrate with healthcare systems, offer online scheduling, and provide quality interpreters to take the stress out of your hands. Everyone deserves equity in the environment they interact with, and the peace of mind to know you have the utmost control, respect and communication.  Empower your life with LingoForce Connect.

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